Walking Foot for Sewing Machine / Presser Foot

The right sewing machine presser foot not only makes sure your fabric stays in check while sewing, it can also help you hem, ruffle, and add extra versatility to your favorite machine.
Whatever projects you use your SINGER sewing machine for, ensuring you have the right presser foot for the job is vital. You can invest in an "sew easy" presser foot, with ruled lines for extra precision. Or, consider transparent, open-toe presser feet. These are ideal for applying various surface embellishments including applique techniques and decorative stitches.
If you're a quilter, you can also buy specialist presser feet for your sewing machine, with guides and useful Even Feeding System to avoid puckering. A piecing presser foot is also available for neatly stitching all your quilt sections together. Piecing presser feet are also ideal for toymakers who make doll's clothes, and anyone making clothes for infants. Presser feet can also help you introduce ruffles, hems, and advanced techniques into your projects.
Make your sewing machine more versatile and unlock new possibilities with the right presser foot.