HUSQVARNA® VIKING® Accessories for Mending & Alterations

With the right sewing machine and mending accessories, you’ll never need a tailor again. Transform your sewing room into a mending and alterations haven, fixing everything from torn knees to a hem that’s just a little too low. HUSQVARNA® VIKING® brand mending accessories help you effortlessly repair and adjust garments to your exact specifications. Use magnifying lenses to get closer to projects and fix tiny errors. Invest in an extension table for your sewing machine that allows you to keep larger garments steady while you work. You can even buy a multi-function foot control for added precision. While you’re shopping for mending accessories, don’t forget the essentials. Bobbins, needles, and winders are all necessary to ensure you can work uninterrupted and efficiently. Discover more ways to work smarter in our collection below.